Hope Chocolates - Employee Stories
At Hope Chocolates, we are all about Hope: Hope that comes from a God who is at work in this world to redeem the lost and broken. All of us are lost and broken and we need hope to restore us and to grow us. At Hope Chocolates, we acknowledge our weaknesses because, as the Bible says, when we are weak, then He is strong. Here are a few of our stories. We hope that you will partner with us.

"After serving time in prison, I was given a chance to start over working for Hope Chocolates. I had some culinary skills but they trained me in how to make a variety of premier chocolate products. I am now working as a chocolatier. I love being part of something bigger than myself and enjoy the friendships I have at the company."

"I am very grateful that God has given me this job at Hope Chocolates. I have learned a lot of new skills & stuff. One of my favorite Bible verses is 'Let there be light'. For the longest time I lived in darkness but now God has given me the light to live in."

"I am really happy to work for Hope Chocolates. I have great friendships here with the other workers. Working here has helped me to be better. I love John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life."

I worked within the Chocolate industry for over 40 years learning the business and developing great relationships. It has been deeply rewarding to take the seed of an idea and start something new, something beautiful through Hope Chocolates providing employment to men looking for a new start.

I have worked in Corporate America my entire career but have always wanted to give back to the community. Hope Chocolates has given me the opportunity to apply my business skills and experience in a God-honoring way, pouring my efforts into something that has eternal significance.

What a privilege it is for me to see Hope Chocolates become a reality. We have worked hard to bring this business to fruition. And we have worked even harder to mentor our employees. Thank you for supporting us in this great endeavor. We hope that you will be as pleased as we are.